A careful look revealed to him a figure that would make any girl proud. The rear view was ideally female. Long auburn waves flowing over slim shoulders, a slim waist above wide hips, trim but full thighs and long tapering legs. Only the

small items between his legs gave the lie to his looks. Then his thoughts turned to the last time that equipment had been conspicuous. Like most

boys in high school he had beaten off two or three times a week. After his arrival at the Clinic the rate increased, and then when he had begun wearing girdles, the frequency had slowed considerably. Now he had not had even a single erection since Christmas! That, of course, was no problem when he was 'dressed', but it sure seemed strange since he was surrounded by and living among women.

During some simple bookkeeping chores that Chris did one day in the administration offices, he noticed that Dr. Smith was due for a month's stay beginning in early April so he arranged for an appointment with her for the afternoon after her arrival. He had to ask her about his

'condition'. How far would it go? When would it stop? What was he to do when he returned to establish a life in the city? Which he planned to do when his contract expired in (argh!) just under

two years.

Chris happened to meet Andrea the evening of her arrival. He greeted her warmly, at least he hoped that was how it looked. But the exchange of greetings, for him, was awkward and tense.

"I saw you on my appointment schedule for tomorrow, Chrissy," she commented.

"...uh.., that's right Andrea. I wanted to talk with you privately."

"Then I gather it's a medical problem?" she asked. "Not related to your job or our social relationship?"

"That's right, it's medical. It's about a

problem I discussed with you back before Thanksgiving."

"Ah, something is still troubling you?" she suggested.

He looked at her with desperate pleading eyes and decided to simply say what he was thinking. "I seem to be changing completely into a girl!" he blurted.

"Oh! Well, in that case, I'll see if I can reschedule your appointment for earlier. 1'11 call you. Ok!" She clasped his hands affectionately and offered him a sisterly smile. True to her word, the time was changed and Chris was the first person in Dr. Smith's office early the next morning. As soon as he arrived Chris was subjected to a complete physical exam, everything just like before. He provided urine

and blood samples, then endured Andrea's meticulous probing of his anatomy, giving extra attention to his full some breasts and reduced genitals.

When she was finished, she gave him a robe to wear and ushered him into her office. Chris was surprised when Dr. Smith picked up the phone, asked her nurse to invite Dr. Brown to join them, then asked her also to bring them some coffee while they waited. Chris sat with his knees tightly locked together as he was very conscious of his nakedness beneath the flimsy cotton robe, and he also noticed the very effeminate nature of his posture.

"Are you done?" he asked irritably as Andrea hung up the receiver. "Couldn't I have gotten dressed?"

"Take it easy, Chrissy. I want to check with Dr. Brown about your condition while you're here." The nurse arrived with a small tray containing three china mugs and a small pot of steaming coffee. Andrea thanked her, filled two of the